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Day Camp sessions, which run Monday to Friday throughout the summer, are the ultimate opportunity to experience camp, without the commitment of staying overnight. That makes it perfect for local campers who want all the fun and joy of camp, while being able to sleep in their own bed each night.

And with camp located on Highway 62, just 15 minutes from both Bancroft & Coe Hill, no matter where you're coming from in the region, we're convenient to get to.

All the Activities

Day Campers get to take part in all of the same activities as our overnight campers, aside from Morning Dip and Out-Trip. That means they'll have the opportunity to choose from the things they like most, over and over again throughout the week. They'll even be invited to stay late one night to participate in evening program and an epic campfire!

Check out all of our awesome Activities.


We Do The Cooking

You don't have to worry about planning and packing up meals to send with your camper, as they'll join us for lunch each day, and dinner the night they stay to take part in evening program and campfire.

Learn more about our Menu.


Scheduling Friendly

With before and after care available, our 8:30 AM arrival and 4:30 PM depature times make getting your camper to and from camp easy to navigate when you have other commitments to balance as well.

Financial Benefits

And as an added bonus, Day Camp fees are HST exempt by law, and your invoice can be used towards child care expenses or the children’s fitness tax credit.

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